Thursday, July 3, 2008

Psychic Ability Test: Mind Over Matter

Since the beginning of recorded human history, people worldwide have been fascinated by those perceived to have psychic abilities. Many cultures from all over the world have a long history of rich, traditional folklore with seers, witches, wizards, mediums, shamans, priests, and priestesses. All ancient societies had people who divined the future or interpreted signs, people who were believed to be capable of perceiving or manipulating extrasensory information.

While modern scientific methods are useful in answering tough questions, modern society still has a place for the qualified psychic. Some settings psychics are used in include movies, television, and books. Even police departments and investigators will consult a psychic for extra clues on tough cases, since traditional police cases transform into psychic jobs once the regular leads have all been researched.

People who claim to be psychics may be employed by clients who feel the need for answers or advice regarding their personal or professional lives. You should note, though, that scam artists and frauds can bring their charm and cleverness to bear so as to dupe vulnerable victims who are frightened or mourning. It's simple for them to pass the casual psychic ability test of one of their scam victims.

Parapsychology is the official term for the study of paranormal psychological phenomena and abilities. Psychic abilities can be categorized into groups and then rated for relative strength. Although there is no single psychic ability test, a various number of ESP tests can attempt to measure the strength of certain extrasensory perception skills in people.

There is a psychic ability test available for testing many abilities, such as telepathy, ESP abilities, or psychokinesis. Since the ability to read another's thoughts, feelings, or send out thoughts or feelings to create control over another without the use of physical means can be quite useful, mental telepathy tests are very popular for science fiction and parapsychology tests. These tests utilize two subjects where they are both asked to think about a series of objects, or colors, and their telepathic ability is measured by how much their answers correlate without any exchanging of information.

Other tests can test for extrasensory perception abilities of clairvoyance, precognition, or remote viewing. Clairvoyance refers to the extrasensory ability to gain information about places or events at remote locations. Precognition refers to the extrasensory ability to know about future places or events before they occur. Remote viewing is similar to clairvoyance since it allows a person to see a place or event occurring without actually being there.

The second set of skills tested in the laboratory also concern psychic skills. Such talents are literally "mind over matter." Is it possible to alter the physical universe by using only your thoughts? Some individuals claim mastery over the local environment, power or fire.

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