Friday, July 4, 2008

Get Results! 7 Steps to a Successful Plan

Are you tired of always missing the mark when you set goals? Do you wonder why you are not getting the results you want?

Here are some simple guidelines that, when applied faithfully, will help stack the odds in your favor.

- Plan realistically.
Happens all the time. Big dreams, but with no honest way of achieving them. Big dreams mean you need big plans. And big plans take more work. The key to this step? Plan backwards, starting with the finished goal.
Write down all the steps it will take to get to your goal. Break all those steps down into monthly, weekly, daily (even hourly) pieces. Then add a timeline, in other words, deadlines for each step. Take an honest look at all those sub-goals. Can you truly get that daily step done in one day? Remember you've probably got other responsibilities to go along with these goal-steps. Don't over-schedule your time.

- Meet challenges head on.
You will have them. Obstacles, problems, troubles, frustrations. Doesn't matter what you call them, but it does matter what you do about them. Forgetting this step stops many goals in their tracks. But life happens! What will you do when the kids get sick and you have to miss work (classes, meetings, etc.) or Part A of your plan costs twice as much as you budgeted? Sit down with pencil and paper and think through all the possible things that can go wrong with your sub-goals. Sometimes you'll realize you need more finances than you originally thought. You may discover your timeline needs to be readjusted. Perhaps you'll see the need for personal growth tools because you know you have an attitude that simply won't last the course. These are all crucial parts of your goal-strategy. Facing these challenges doesn't stop you, but NOT facing them just may.

- Make it measurable.
You've got to be able to track your results as you move through the goal-getting process. It's vital for you to be able to know whether or not you are actually moving forward. Learn to focus on these tangible results instead of simple activity. Results will become the beacons of your success.

- Accountability.
Most of us tend to work harder for others than we will for ourselves. That's just human nature. The more self-disciplined you are the smoother this process will work, but even masters of goal-achievement know the importance of support. Find someone or even a team of someones who will cheer you on when you're down and from whom you can receive honest criticism. If you think you are the only one with the right answers, you might be surprised at what you're missing in terms of perspective.

- Reward yourself.
This is self-explanatory. However, I think some introspection in this area can be useful for many of us. What I'm talking about here is discovering what genuinely motivates you. Figure it out and use that knowledge to your advantage. Some of us need more pats on the back than others and you are the only one who is going to keep you moving. Which leads us to...

- Keep movin', keep movin', keep movin'.
Sometimes the only difference between success and failure is persistence. Learn how to hang on no matter what. Expect the down times and don't be sidetracked by them.

- Do you really want this goal?
If you feel as though you have truly practiced these steps and put a lot of effort into reaching your goal but aren't seeing the results you know you must have, perhaps you're indulging in a bit of self-sabotage. Don't feel bad; we've all done this one from time to time. Ask yourself if you genuinely want to achieve this goal and then imagine what about your life will have to change once you do achieve it. Sometimes you'll be able to see the obstacles you're creating for yourself, sometimes it won't be so obvious. In any case, the number one thing holding most of us back (Hint: if you don't even want to do this step, that's a fair sign that you're hiding a little bit of something, somewhere.)

People who set goals and go after them are brave folk.
They are willing to feel the uncomfortable feelings, learn new things, and put themselves through a process that most people run away from. It's not that's goal-getting is so difficult in itself; it's actually quite simple. But personal change IS challenging. So if you are struggling in this arena, pat yourself on the back and know that you are in the game, moving forward. Pick one or two of these areas to work on improving each day and you will find yourself making progress, building a strong foundation of skills for your future.

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