Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Programing Your Mind For Confident And Success


Read through the exercise before you do it first time ….
1 .Locate your internal voice .Just ask yourself ‘ where is my internal voice ?and point to the location where you hear the word.

2 .Now I would like you to imagine how your voice sounds if it is tottalk confidence.Is it louder or softer than usal?Is it clearer and easier to hear?stronger or weaker?do you speak faster or more slowely?
However your voice sounds when you are really positive and confident ,put that voice in the same location where your internal old voice located.

3. Take a few moments to think of some of the negative suggestion you hav habitually given yourself in the past,things like.
‘ I am not very confident.’
‘ I am terrible at giving presentation.’
‘ I am never find someone to fall in love with me.’

4.For each statement ,come up with its positive opposite.
‘ I am a naturally confident person.’
‘ I give excellent presentation.’
‘ I am extremely lovable.’

5 .Finally, I want you to repeat the new ,positive suggestion to yourself in your new confident internal voice.

It feels totally difference when you talk to yourself like that ,dosen’t it?
Remember , what you practice you become .Just keep practicing talking to yourself in a positive way until the positive suggestion override the negative .BEST OF LUCK

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