Friday, June 27, 2008

Transforming Negative Thoughts Into Attraction

If you have learned about the law of attraction or use it before, you will realize how important it is to eliminate negative thoughts. It is because negative thoughts will attract negative results to your life. If you want to be rich but always complain about being poor, you are likely going to be poor.

Suppressing negative thoughts will end up accumulating and finally explode. Disappearing negative thoughts might seem tough to people who never study about it. I'm going to share a simple method here so that you can transform these negative thoughts into attraction to attract what you want.

I'm going to use 'Rich' to demonstrate the methods. Most negative thoughts can be summed up into The Scary "What If..."

Most people have such thoughts like "What if I lost my business?" "What if I did some mistakes and lose my job?" If you have one of those thoughts, you are most likely going to attract those "what if" because you focus your thoughts and emotions on it. The more you dwell into it, the more likely you are going to get it. So, the way to transform these negative thoughts is to ask a better question. For example:

"What I lose my business and all the money I invested?"
Shift To
"What if I my business expand faster than I thought and my money grows till I'm having too much of it."

"What if I lose my job?"
Shift To
"What if I gain huge success and get a promotion I always dream of?"

"What if I lose relationship with him/her?"
Shift To
"What if I have an excellent relationship and he/she thinks I'm the one?"

"What if I will stay this fat forever?"
Shift To
"What if I successfully lose lots of weight and got a hot body that attract lots of woman/man?"

I realized people love to assume the worst case of every action. That keeps us safe which is ok but it stops us from getting what we one. Some of those worst case we assume might really scare us and we don't feel positive or motivated to take action. By having those thoughts, we will attract those we assume in a consistent basis too.

A better question will immediately direct your focus. When you are having some conversation with your conversation, do you realize that your focus will immediately shift once they ask something which is totally out of the topic? That's the key of shifting your focus. Once your focus shifted to things that you really want, you will start imagine in your mind and start getting excited about it. That attract the results you want!

This practice is very powerful and valuable to me. Practice it often and turn it into a habit. When it is already a habit, you will automatically shift your negative thoughts to attraction thoughts without even knowing. Manifesting the goals that you want will be easy and fun.

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